Sunday, December 2, 2012

Teeth Whitening Made Easy With These Professional Dentists In Jacksonville

I recently graduated from Florida State College with an accounting degree and was on the path to finding my first job. I landed an interview at a firm that specialized in tax accounting and was really excited. Unfortunately, I wasn't as prepared as I should've been and lost out on that first interview. After that, I was determined to do anything I could to raise my self-esteem and produce a positive first impression. I realized through some self-evaluation that one of the things I wasn't happy about was my stained teeth from drinking soda and coffee during those late nights and early mornings at college. I decided to search for some dentists in Jacksonville, Florida that specialize in the procedure of teeth whitening. Cosmetic dentistry in FL can help people like me that want to improve their smile.

I found the teeth whitening Jacksonville FL office of Dr. Joel David and Associates on the Internet, browsed around the website and learned some more details and facts about the teeth whitening procedure. Before I found and investigated their site, I was worried that the process would be extremely lengthy or not work on my teeth at all. After my investigation, I discovered that soft drinks and coffee are leading causes of tooth discoloration and that this safe teeth whitening procedure could bring back the shiny whiteness to my poor neglected teeth.

Their teeth whitening Jacksonville FL Center provides two separate options for whitening a person's teeth. The first option can be completed in their cosmetic dentistry Fl office with the Phillips Zoom! light- activated process, or at home with a kit that provides everything you need. I decided to go with the kit and start the procedure immediately. The first step involved taking impressions of my teeth so that they could make teeth whitening trays. After placing them in your mouth, a whitening agent sits in the trays and flows onto the areas of your teeth that need whitening. We recorded the current color of my teeth so that I could see the progression and success of the teeth whitening process. Their staff was really helpful and knowledgeable when giving me directions and showing me how to place the trays correctly in my mouth. It was fairly easy and a comfortable way to whiten my teeth on my own time.

I noticed that my teeth experienced a slight sensitivity to cold drinks after treating my teeth with the kit provided by the teeth whitening Jacksonville FL team, but it really wasn't uncomfortable and the sensitivity disappeared after a few days. I was told by the staff at the cosmetic dentistry FL office to expect this so I wasn't worried at all when it occurred. This team of dentists in Jacksonville was very helpful and answered all my questions. I'm really happy I chose them for my teeth whitening experience.

After completing the teeth whitening procedure, I noticed that I felt more comfortable when I smiled. It's pretty amazing how much of a difference a simple teeth whitening makes on your teeth after you've finished the process. It's helped build my self-esteem too. I didn't realize how much my discolored teeth were stopping me from placing a smile on my face. After visiting these dentists in Jacksonville, I don't have to worry about that aspect of life in a job interviews or anywhere I go.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog over here! Thanks for sharing this very useful information. I will visit your blog again into a couple of days to check if you have some new articles

    Teeth Whitening
